Dr. burstein & waymore

in cosmetics


Certification in cosmetics TAC
Certification in cosmetics BEST 4 U
Certification in cosmetics CAF
Certification in cosmetics Dr. Burstein&waymore
Certification in cosmetics Dr. Burstein&waymore
Certification in cosmetics Vegan's choice
Certification in cosmetics TAC

Certification in cosmetics are important

Your costumers trust them!

Waymore standard for Finished Cosmetic products

Certification in cosmetics CAF

Standard Clinically Approved Formula (CAF) proves that the product has been subjected to various clinical trials that have confirmed claims that are made on the product packaging. The tests can be done as part of the certification process, or they can be done in external, accredited laboratories prior to certification process. The tests should be performed under the supervision of a doctor.

Certification in cosmetics TAC

True Active Cosmetics (TAC) certification proves that a cosmetic product is using responsible advertising.

Customers trust to cosmetic product more if claims made on the product are supported by external institutions. The entire documentation of each raw material is reviewed during the certification process and proportionality of claims made on the packaging is compared with the amount of raw material used in each product.

Responsible advertising requires cosmetic manufacturers to make claims on the packaging consistent with the relevant European and national legal and self-regulatory frameworks. The claims must be fair, truthful and not misleading to the consumer, but on the other hand they give to consumer enough information to make a purchasing decision. Each claim must be supported by appropriate supporting evidence.

The TAC standard can be made also for raw material manufacurers who want to prove that they follow higher standards and are devoted to creating active raw materials.

Certification in cosmetics BEST 4 U

Standard Best 4 U & Environment proves that the cosmetic product contains user-friendly and environmentally friendly raw materials, as well as environmentally friendly and degradable packaging. Manufacturers can obtain such certificate after documentation is being checked. Standard Higher values proof is among customers recognised as trustable information for receiving the best possible products, since products do not use eg. Silicones, parabens, microplactics or other ingredients that could have negative impact on user or on environment.

Certification in cosmetics Dr. Burstein&waymore

Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore can be obtained by anyone who has made a cosmetic product assessment and / or has obtained one of the standards (TAC, CAF). Standard Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore demonstrates that the products adhere to Dr. Burstein & Waymore standards, which can also be used by brand owners for marketing purposes. Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore is also appropriate for raw material suppliers.

Certification in cosmetics Vegan's choice

Vegan`s choice Standard for cosmetic products aims to raise awareness about products that vegan`s can use. Those products are prepared according to the vegan lifestyle and vegan standards. It allows to the brand owner to promote products that do not include raw materials of animal origin but is also a great help for vegans when making purchasing decisions.


Each product and all raw materials in the product preparation process are carefully inspected and a certificate is awarded to individual product based on all documentation obtained. The logo on the finished product shows to a consumer that the product is in accordance with standard.


Your cosmetic product can obtain such certification only if product does not contain animal parts or animal by-products, eg. Product will not include bees wax.

Certification in cosmetics

The Free Sale Certificate (FSC certificate) is a statement confirming that the product intended for export is in compliance with EU Cosmetic Regulation and can therefore be sold freely throughout the EU without restriction. Free trade certificates provided by EU companies have been accepted by third countries for many years. The FSC is also considered a “production certificate” or “health or safety certificate” by many of non-EU countries.

Making you happy!

Don’t hesitate, write us today.

    raw material

    Waymore standard for RAW MATERIAL

    Certification in cosmetics Dr. Burstein&waymore

    Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore can be obtained by anyone who has made a cosmetic product assessment and / or has obtained one of the standards (TAC, CAF). Standard Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore demonstrates that the products adhere to Dr. Burstein & Waymore standards, which can also be used by brand owners for marketing purposes. Approved by Dr. Burstein & Waymore is also appropriate for raw material suppliers.

    Certification in cosmetics TAC

    True Active Cosmetics (TAC) certification proves that a cosmetic product is using responsible advertising.

    Customers trust to cosmetic product more if claims made on the product are supported by external institutions. The entire documentation of each raw material is reviewed during the certification process and proportionality of claims made on the packaging is compared with the amount of raw material used in each product.

    Responsible advertising requires cosmetic manufacturers to make claims on the packaging consistent with the relevant European and national legal and self-regulatory frameworks. The claims must be fair, truthful and not misleading to the consumer, but on the other hand they give to consumer enough information to make a purchasing decision. Each claim must be supported by appropriate supporting evidence.

    The TAC standard can be made also for raw material manufacurers who want to prove that they follow higher standards and are devoted to creating active raw materials.

    Choose the right kind of certificates for you

    We have certification in cosmetics for RAW MATERIAL and for FINISHED PRODUCTS.


    +386 40 331 130