FAST TEST FOR ESTABLISHING SKIN TYPE Remove all makeup, wash your face with lukewarm water and cotton pad. Gently dry the skin with a towel and wait at least 30 minutes. At that time, do not apply anything on your face. Then gently press a paper towel or a piece of other, very thin paper on the face. After one minute, remove the towel and examine it in good light: 1. Normal skin: you will notice barely noticeable oily spots on the scalp. 2. Dry skin: if there are no greasy spots, you have dry skin. 3. Oily skin: if oily spots are visible throughout the towel, the skin is greasy. 4. Mixed skin: If greasy stains are visible only on those parts of the towel that touched the forehead, nose, and beard (T-zone), you have a mixed skin type.